Institute for Functional Medicine
I read the book, The UltraMind Solution, by Mark Hyman, M.D., and started making changes in my life to help heal depression symptoms. I wanted to do everything I could to assist the effectiveness of the medication I was taking. There is more detail about Dr. Hyman and The UltraMind Solution, in my blog Chapter 21: Healing A "Broken Brain".
The UltraMind Solution is a Six-Week Basic Brain-Boosting Program for Everyone: A Simple Approach to Optimal Brain Function and Health. There are some additional steps, called the Self Care Plan, to optimize key systems in the body. Dr. Hyman says that eighty percent of people will thrive by following the six-week UltraMind Solution and adding the additional Self Care Plan. The other 20 percent may need further care. "If you don't experience the level of optimization you expect following The UltraMind Solution and the Self Care Plan in Part IV of the book, then you may need some laboratory tests and medical treatment. I outlined the primary tests I recommend and some of the treatments you might pursue with your doctor in the book. To do the tests recommended here and get the care you need, you will most likely have to find an experienced practitioner of Functional Medicine or Integrative Medicine. Most conventional doctors simply will not give you these tests."
If you buy the book, The UltraMind Solution, you will also receive the Ultra Mind Solution Guide to download on your computer (free). I believe what I have learned from Dr. Hyman has helped me feel better, along with my medications. There is too much valuable information in the book to include in my blog. The information below is for the 20% of us who have done the six-week UltraMind Solution Program and still do not feel completely well. Receiving medical care from an experienced practitioner in Functional Medicine is the next step for me, and I have not been able to find one in my home area. I am saving my money to go to the UltraWellness Clinic in Lennox, MA.
The information below in black and teal print are taken from the book, The UltraMind Solution, by Mark Hyman, M.D. The writing in dark red is what I have done personally in each of the 7 Keys of the UltraMind Solution.
The Key to Mental Health and Brain Health
"We are made of the stuff we eat. Our biology, biochemistry, and physiology need certain raw materials to run optimally--the right balance and quality of protein, fats, carbohydrates, the right vitamins and minerals in the correct dose for each of us and all the colorful pigments in plant foods, called phytonutrients, that support our well-being and function. Nearly all of us are nutritionally imbalanced in one way or another."
page 35
Medical Care Plan
Methylation Testing (B6, B12, and Folate Insufficiencies)
Vitamin D Testing
Magnesium, Zinc, and Selenium Testing
Essential Fatty Acid Testing
Urinary Amino Acids and Plasma Amino Acids
Red Blood Cell Minerals
Urinary Organic Acid TestingTesting for amino acids and neurotransmitters can help identify your particular imbalances more accurately. Further customization of amino-acid therapy is possible based on testing and your
Testing for omega-3 fats, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, and selenium can be helpful in identifying the need for additional supplementation. Testing for methylation problems with homocysteine and methylmalonic acid is often very helpful in optimizing doses of folate, B 12, and B 6.
a. I no longer buy products that have high-fructose corn syrup or trans fats in them. I threw away all the products in my kitchen containing these two things.
b. I eat foods with white sugar only occasionally. I was addicted to sugar, so this was a hard one for me. Larabars helped me accomplish this goal. They satisfy a sugar craving, but only a few of the bars actually have sugar in them. They contain dates, fruit, nuts, raisins, and spices, and they are delicious! Thank you Larabars. =)
c. I had the IgG Comprehensive Food Sensitivity Assay blood test done, also known as the ELISA test. After receiving the results I eliminated or cut back on all of the foods I am sensitive to. I believe this has helped reduce the inflammation in my body, helped heal my brain, and contributed to me feeling better.
Chapter 7 of my blog will give you detailed information about my ELISA results.
Chapter 7: Keys to UltraWellness, Food SensitivityI eliminated the following from my diet: white flour, wheat, all dairy, eggs, yeast, bread, and most oils other than olive oil.
d. I drink water and occasionally have fruit juice with no sugar or high fructose corn sugar added. I don't like beverages with caffeine or alcohol, so I wasn't drinking those anyway.
e. I started taking the supplements Dr. Hyman recommends in The UltraMind Solution Essentials Kit:
Multivitamin/mineral, ProThera, MultiThera 1 Capsule Formula: Serving 6 capsules
2/breakfast 2/lunch 2/dinner
2/breakfast 2/lunch 2/dinner
Calcium/magnesium, ProThera, OsteoThera Capsule Formula: Serving 2 capsules
2/breakfast 2/dinner
2/breakfast 2/dinner
Vitamin D3, Pure Encapsulations, Vitamin D3 1000 IU: Serving 1 capsule 2/breakfast
Methylation, Designs for Health, Homocysteine Supreme: Serving 2 capsules
1/breakfast 1/dinner
1/breakfast 1/dinner
Omega-3 fats, Metagenics, EPA-DHA Extra Strength Enteric Coated: Serving 2 capsules
2/breakfast 2/lunch 2/dinner
2/breakfast 2/lunch 2/dinner
Probiotics, Metagenics, UltraFlora Plus DF Capsules: Serving 2 capsules
1/breakfast 1/dinner
1/breakfast 1/dinner
Chapter 12: I Hate Clonazepam, Supplements
f. I have been taking 6,000 mg of fish oil a day since I returned from the Amen Clinic in March of 2010. For more information go to Chapter 32: 6,000 mg Of Fish Oil A Day.
g. I raised my vitamin D level from 20 to 45, and then up to 72. I have needed to take a 50,000 IU tablet of vitamin D every two weeks. This is a prescription vitamin D I have taken in addition to the 3,200 mg daily included in the The UltraMind Solution Essentials Kit. For more information go to Chapter 29: Do you know what your Vitamin D level is?
"Our hormones, including insulin, thyroid, sex hormones, stress hormones, and many more, are a symphony of molecules. They have to work in harmony for you to be healthy." page 35
Medical Care Plan
Testing for Insulin Resistance
Basic Testing for Thyroid Dysfunction
Additional Thyroid Testing If the Basic Testing Does Not Provide Clear Answers
Testing for Sex Hormone Imbalances A two-hour glucose-tolerance test measuring both insulin and glucose may be needed. A cholesterol profile measuring the size of cholesterol particles, which are smaller in insulin resistance and more prone to clog your arteries. C-reactive protein, which measures inflammation that is associated with insulin resistance. Liver function tests with GGT that identify the fatty liver associated with insulin resistance.
Testing for thyroid problems should include all the thyroid hormones (TSH, free T3, and free T4) and thyroid antibodies (TPO and antithyroglobulin antibodies). Most doctors just check TSH, which is inadequate to identify mild problems.
Testing of blood, urine, or saliva can often be helpful in identifying hormonal imbalances such as too much or too little of various hormones. This can guide a doctor's therapy. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement: Hormones interact directly with the brain and affect mood and cognition. Occasionally, despite lifestyle therapies, diet, exercise, stress reduction, nutrient supplementation, and herbs, hormone therapy can be lifesaving, as well as mood- and brain-saving. Only a physician knowledgeable and experienced with bioidentical hormone therapy should prescribe them. The only hormones that should be used are ones that are identical to those made by your body. They have very specific actions when they bind to their hormone receptors on your cells. Synthetic or animal hormones typically have unwanted side effects and dangers.
a. My thyroid was checked for TSH and free T3, which came back in the normal level. I have never been tested for free T4 or the thyroid antibodies.
b. In 2008 my hormones were tested by the saliva method. I have used the cream and the troche during this time, and have had my prescription changed several times to get my hormones balanced. Two months ago I was tested and my estrogen and progesterone had a healthy ratio, so my prescription stayed the same.
"We must protect and defend ourselves from foreign invaders or abnormal cells inside our own body. When this is over - or under active, illness occurs. Inflammation of the brain is a central theme for almost all psychiatric and neurologic conditions, as well as most chronic disease. If you have a broken brain it is almost certainly inflamed."
page 35
Medical Care Plan
High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP)
Gluten Allergy/Celiac Disease Testing
IgG Food Sensitivity (Special Antibody Tests Against Food)
ELISA/RAST IgE (Testing for Mold and Environmental Allergies)
Hidden Infections
Testing for inflammation may include C-reactive protein (a generalized marker for inflammation), autoimmune markers (ESR, anti-CCP, TPO, ANA), or food allergies (IgG or IgE), and celiac or gluten testing. Testing for hidden infections, including viruses, bacteria, parasites, and yeast, may also be helpful.
Specific treatments for infections or more aggressive treatments for autoimmunity and allergies may be needed.
a. The ELISA IgG Comprehensive Food Sensitivity Assay blood test showed a +1 (low) sensitivity to wheat, but I am not gluten intolerant.
Chapter 7: Keys to UltraWellness, Food Sensitivity
Specific treatments for infections or more aggressive treatments for autoimmunity and allergies may be needed.
a. The ELISA IgG Comprehensive Food Sensitivity Assay blood test showed a +1 (low) sensitivity to wheat, but I am not gluten intolerant.
Chapter 7: Keys to UltraWellness, Food Sensitivity
"Digesting, absorbing, and assimilating all the food and nutrients we eat is critical for health. Our digestive systems must also protect us from internal toxins, bugs, and potential allergens, as well as eliminate wastes. Breakdown anywhere in this process creates illness." page 36
Medical Care Plan
General Gut Health, Bacterial Balance, and Parasite Testing
Conventional Tests for Causes of Acid RefluxRemove any offending factors, including potential food allergens; overgrowth of bacteria, yeast, parasites; and toxins such as heavy metals. Replace missing or weakened enzymes, acid, and fiber or prebiotics to help fertilize the healthy bacteria. Reinnoculate with probiotics or beneficial bacteria. Repair the intestinal lining with healing nutrients.
Special Note - Treating Bugs: Bugs that affect the gut come in three main varieties. 1. Bacteria 2. Yeast 3. Parasites Each type of bug needs different treatment. Testing can identity which bug or bugs are a problem for you. Herbal therapies can often be helpful, but most of the time a short course of curative medication is necessary and dramatically effective.
a. I have removed food allergens.
b. My blood test for heavy metals came back with "no traces" in my blood. Dr. Hyman believes this test will be positive only if exposure has been recent. He recommends taking a chelating drug that pulls heavy metals from bone and tissue. Then urine samples are taken to measure the amount of heavy metals your body is excreting.
Chapter 26: Is Mercury Toxicity Causing Depression?
Chapter 27: Has the Mercury I Have Been Exposed to Caused Toxicity?
Chapter 28: Heavy Metals Testing is Extremely Controversial!
"Our bodies must eliminate all of our metabolic wastes and toxins, which we take in from the environment through our food, air, water, and medications. The toxic burden in the twenty-first century is overwhelming and often our bodies can't keep up. This leads to illness." page 36
Medical Care Plan
Genetic Testing for Detoxification Capacity or Weakness
How Is Your Detox System Functioning? The Detoxification Challenge Test
Measurement of Detoxification Enzymes and Molecules
Heavy-Metal Testing
Toxin Exposure
Chemical TestingIn a medically supervised detoxification program, many other nutrients, herbs, and phytonutrients may be used, including alpha lipoic acid, bioactive whey protein, amino acids such as taurine, glycine, glutamine, calcium-D-glucarate, and methionine. Specialized tests, which assess your body's detoxification system, including genetic testing for detoxification enzymes, and tests for heavy metals, including tests of blood, urine, and hair, may be necessary. Detoxifying from heavy metals is an important step on the road to health for many and needs to be done with an experienced and qualified health-care practitioner.
Special Note - Detoxifying From Heavy Metals: Aside from addressing hidden food allergens and helping people balance their blood sugar and consume a whole-foods diet, one of the most powerful ways to correct many chronic health problems is a medically supervised heavy-metal detoxification program. Proper testing, preparation, and care are needed in order for safe and effective heavy-metal detoxification. I want to reinforce that this must be done with a qualified health-care practitioner.
a. I am curious if I have mercury toxicity.
"Life is energy. Once no more energy is produced in your cells, you die. The process of extracting energy from the food you eat and the oxygen you breathe is the most essential process of life. Keeping that metabolic engine running smoothly and protecting it from harm are essential for health. Loss of energy is found in almost all brain disorders." page 36
Medical Care Plan
Damaged DNA By-products
Lipid Peroxide Assays in Urine or Serum or TBARS
Advanced Specialty Testing for Oxidative Stress
Specialty Testing for Mitochondrial Function
There are a number of tests, including those of organic acids and cardiometabolic stress testing as well as tests for oxidative stress (8 OHDG, or lipid peroxides), that help your doctor personalize treatment and monitor your progress. Additional supplements, including creatine, NAC, sulfate, and reduced glutathione, may also be recommended.
Resveratrol derivatives or extracts are powerful mitochondrial energy boosters and are in drug development now (Sirtris was just purchased by GlaxoSmithKline). Your doctor may prescribe additional energy-boosting treatments and exercises such as interval training.
a. Part of my treatment plan from the Amen Clinic is aerobic exercise every day. I have not reached that goal yet, but I do have more energy when I exercise on a regular basis.
Chapter 33: Endorphins - Natural Morphine
Resveratrol derivatives or extracts are powerful mitochondrial energy boosters and are in drug development now (Sirtris was just purchased by GlaxoSmithKline). Your doctor may prescribe additional energy-boosting treatments and exercises such as interval training.
a. Part of my treatment plan from the Amen Clinic is aerobic exercise every day. I have not reached that goal yet, but I do have more energy when I exercise on a regular basis.
Chapter 33: Endorphins - Natural Morphine
"A life of meaning and purpose, a life in balance with connection, community, love, support, and a sense of empowerment, are essential for health. The overwhelming stresses of the twenty-first century, including social isolation, overwork, and disempowerment, create enormous strain on our nervous system, leading to burnout and breakdown." page 36
Medical Care Plan
An Adrenal Stress Index
DHEA: Cortisol Ratio
AA-to-EPA Ratio
Heart Rate Variability
Your doctor may recommend testing for stress hormones or heart rate variability. Occasionally hormonal treatment with DHEA or low-dose cortisone can be helpful if you have adrenal burnout.
a. When my hormones were first tested (2008) my adrenal glands were functioning at a very low level. Low DHEA and cortisone. They are functioning in the low end of normal now.
b. Changing my thinking to living in the moment, instead of focusing on the past, or trying to solve a future that isn't here yet, has been a powerful way for me to calm my mind.
Chapter 5: A New Earth, Changing The Way I Think
Chapter 6: Ego, Pain-Body, Live In The Present
Chapter 14: Normal Day, The Power of Now
Chapter 16: Effexor XR, Live My Life In The Now
Chapter 18: "Fulfillment, Peace, Life in all its Fullness."
Chapter 19: Effexor XR, Enlightened Relationships
Chapter 39: The Constant Chatter In My Mind Is Not Me
Chapter 40: EGO
Chapter 41: PAIN-BODY
a. When my hormones were first tested (2008) my adrenal glands were functioning at a very low level. Low DHEA and cortisone. They are functioning in the low end of normal now.
b. Changing my thinking to living in the moment, instead of focusing on the past, or trying to solve a future that isn't here yet, has been a powerful way for me to calm my mind.
Chapter 5: A New Earth, Changing The Way I Think
Chapter 6: Ego, Pain-Body, Live In The Present
Chapter 14: Normal Day, The Power of Now
Chapter 16: Effexor XR, Live My Life In The Now
Chapter 18: "Fulfillment, Peace, Life in all its Fullness."
Chapter 19: Effexor XR, Enlightened Relationships
Chapter 39: The Constant Chatter In My Mind Is Not Me
Chapter 40: EGO
Chapter 41: PAIN-BODY
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, join the dance."
- Alan Watts -