What do YOU think about the information Dr. Mark Hyman presents in this video?
It took about a year to make all of the changes my psychiatrist recommended at the Amen Clinic. The dosages of my medications are stable now and I feel good! The improvement was slow, steady, and subtle. I have the desire to do things again. I look forward to what I have planned each day when I wake up in the morning, instead of dreading it. If you are new to my blog, Chapter 42 summarizes my road to recovery.
This video was made before Dr. Hyman's book, The UltraMind Solution, was finished. You know I think the book is great if you have read other chapters in my blog. =) I think this book is a must read if you have depression symptoms.
In the video, Dr. Hyman talks about 7 things you can do to help improve depression symptoms.
1. Try an anti-inflammation elimination diet and remove food allergens
2. Check for hypothyroidism
3. Treat vitamin D deficiency
4. Take Omega 3 Fats
5. Take adequate amounts of B12, Folate, and B6
6. Check for mercury toxicity
7. Exercise vigorously for 30 minutes, 5 times per week.
Why Antidepressants Do Not Work For Treating Depression
Mark Hyman, M.D.
Dr. Hyman acknowledges that some people do not heal completely by using the UltraMind Solution. In the "Special Considerations" section of the book, The UltraMind Solution, page 387, Dr. Hyman says:
When You Need Therapy
"Sometimes it is not a toxin, allergen, infection, or nutrient-poor diet that makes us depressed or mentally ill. Sometimes it is just life itself---a divorce, childhood trauma, the death of a loved one, a crazy boss, or a major trauma.
During those times in life, seeking help from a trained psychotherapist, a social worker, or even a personal coach can be lifesaving and may help guide you through troubled times.
In traditional cultures, the family and social structure provided a container and meaning for all life's events. Today, unfortunately, many of us are left alone to struggle through life's transitions and questions. Getting support can help you heal and recover along with the UltraMind Solution."
When You Need Medication
"As a former emergency room physician, I recognize that extreme times call for extreme measures. I use and support the intelligent, appropriate use of medication, including psychotropic medications when needed. They can often be helpful as a bridge for recovery from all the stresses and toxins that affect our brain and mind.
It may take months or years to heal from damage that has occurred over a lifetime. In extreme cases, the damage may be so deep that full recovery is not possible using the UltraMind Solution (although most see remarkable results in a few weeks). In some cases, combining medication with the tools of the UltraMind Solution can give people their lives back.
Working with an experienced psychopharmacologist who welcomes the integration of nutrition, supplements, exercise, and mind-body therapies is sometimes a necessary step to recovering a whole life.
Many times medications can be reduced or eliminated after applying the principles found in the UltraMind Solution."
I am one of "the cases" where combining medications with the tools of the UltraMind Solution gave me my life back. Thank you Dr. Daniel Amen, and everyone at the Amen Clinic in Newport Beach, California. The psychiatrist I worked with at the Amen Clinic was exceptional! Thank you Dr. Mark Hyman for The UltraMind Solution. I learned so much from the book and the changes I made to my diet and lifestyle helped me heal. Thank you Eckhart Tolle for helping me change the way I think. Reading the books, The Power of Now, and A New Earth, taught me to live in the moment. Doing this brings me peace!
I am still saving my money to go to the The UltraWellness Center in Lennox, MA. I need their help to find out if I could be off medications and still be free of depression symptoms, or if I am one of those people who will still need medication even if my body is balanced.