Thank you for visiting my Blog. If this is your first visit you may want to start with Chapter 1. My Blog is a story that goes in sequence. I talk about my life trying to find effective therapy for treatment resistant depression. My first post is dated April 2, 2010. I had tried 15 different drug combinations before I went to the Amen Clinic in Newport Beach, California. The treatment plan I received there began the healing process. (
I have not written a post for my blog in a long time, but have continued to do research in finding treatment for depression symptoms. My motivation and fervor for the subject have not changed!
I started the GAPS diet on May 8, 2013. GAPS stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome and is based on a book written by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, MMedSci (neurology), MMedSci (nutrition). Dr. Natasha believes undigested food and toxins can go through the gut lining if it is damaged and enter the the blood stream. The blood deposits these particles in different parts of the body, causing disease. This is how Amazon describes the book: "New 2010 Edition with over 100 extra pages of information! Gut and Psychology Syndrome provides the information you need to heal a damaged digestive system. The perfect book for anyone suffering from Autism, Dyslexia, Depression, Dyspraxia, ADD, ADHD, Schizophrenia, and any other condition that has a link with gut dysbiosis." I am in the process of coming off antidepressant medication. I am going off very slowly, but I am doing well! This is the book:
If you want to know more, watch Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride being interviewed by Dr. Joseph Mercola. I think it is exceptionally excellent!
This information is taken directly from the website of Dr. Joseph
Mercola. This is another type of tapping and will teach you how to do
the technique, without needing to read a book. If you would prefer to learn directly from his website,
go to
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Basic Steps to Your Emotional Freedom
What is the Emotional Freedom Technique?
The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is the psychological
acupressure technique I routinely use in my practice and most highly
recommend to optimize your emotional health. Although it is still often
overlooked, emotional health is absolutely essential to your physical
health and healing - no matter how devoted you are to the proper diet
and lifestyle, you will not achieve your body's ideal healing and
preventative powers if emotional barriers stand in your way.
EFT is very easy to learn, and will help you:
Remove Negative Emotions
Reduce Food Cravings
Reduce or Eliminate Pain
Implement Positive Goals
EFT is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the same energy
meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and
emotional ailments for over five thousand years, but without the
invasiveness of needles.
Instead, simple tapping with the fingertips is
used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and
chest while you think about your specific problem - whether it is a
traumatic event, an addiction, pain, etc. -- and voice positive
This combination of tapping the energy meridians and voicing positive
affirmation works to clear the "short-circuit" - the emotional block
-- from your body's bioenergy system, thus restoring your mind and
body's balance, which is essential for optimal health and the healing
of physical disease.
Some people are initially wary of these principles that EFT is based
on - the electromagnetic energy that flows through the body and
regulates our health is only recently becoming recognized in the West.
Others are initially taken aback by (and sometimes amused by) the EFT
tapping and affirmation methodology, whose basics you will learn here.
But keep in mind that, more than any traditional or alternative
method I have used or researched, EFT works. I have witnessed the
results in my patients since deciding to use EFT exclusively in June of
2001. Indeed, because of its very high rate of success, the use of EFT
has spread rapidly, and medical practitioners employing EFT can now be found in every corner of the country and world.
This manual will provide an overview on how and where to tap, and the
proper affirmation techniques, so that you can begin using EFT
immediately to help yourself and others. It will also provide an
introduction to some advanced EFT techniques and principles you can
employ. If you are interested in taking your EFT knowledge and practice
to the next level, please considerTry It On Everything for the incredible benefits that they can provide you.
Tapping Locations & Technique
There are two basic areas to learn in order to use EFT: the tapping
locations and technique, and the positive affirmations. These areas, as
well as some advanced EFT principles and techniques, are covered in
the following sections.
You should be able to successfully treat many problems by diligently
applying the following instructions. To expand your abilities and
understanding, consider Try It On Everything.
If you are not getting the results you would like, or you have a
particularly traumatic issue, please do not give up! Instead, consider
consulting with an EFT professional. Dr. Patricia Carrington has some guidelines
on selecting an EFT therapist, followed by a list of EFT practitioners
throughout the U.S. and world. Many of these therapists even offer a
free 15-minute phone session in which you can ask them questions to see
if you connect.
Proper EFT Tapping
The basic EFT sequence is straightforward and generally takes my
patients only a few minutes to learn. They have the slight advantage of
me personally showing them the tapping points, but you should be able
to pick up these points relatively quickly. With a little practice,
you will be performing each round in under a minute.
NOTE: While it is important to tap the correct area, you need not
worry about being absolutely precise, as tapping the general area is
It's All in the Fingertips
The following information provides an overview of the EFT technique
to give you a sense of how this amazing "tool" works. But bear in mind
that by far the best instruction for this powerful technique is
visual/audio instruction. When you are ready to tap into EFT's full
potential, an outstanding (and economical!) investment is the book and DVD on learning EFT called, "Try It On Everything."
The first thing to understand is that you will be tapping with your
fingers. There are a number of acupuncture meridians on your
fingertips, and when you tap with your fingertips you are also likely
using not only the meridians you are tapping on, but also the ones on
your fingers.
Traditional EFT has you tapping with the fingertips of your index
finger and middle finger and with only one hand. Either hand works just
as well. Most of the tapping points exist on either side of the body,
so it doesn't matter which side you use, nor does it matter if you
switch sides during the tapping. For example, you can tap under your
right eye and, later in the tapping, under your left arm.
I modified this approach slightly by having you use both hands and
all your fingers, so that they are gently relaxed and form a slightly
curved natural line. The use of more fingers allows you to access more
of the acupuncture points. When you use all your fingers you will cover
a larger area than just tapping with one or two fingertips, and this
will allow you to cover the tapping points more easily.
However, many obtain quite successful results with the traditional
one-handed two-finger approach. You can use either method, but I tend to
use my modified version in an effort to be more complete.
Ideally, you will want to use your fingertips, not your finger pads
as they have more meridian points. However, if you are a woman with
long fingernails you should of course use your finger pads (otherwise
you may end up stabbing yourself).
You should also remove your watch and bracelets, as that will interfere with your use of the wrist meridian tapping.
Tap Solidly - But Don't Hurt Yourself!
You should tap solidly, but never so hard as to hurt or bruise yourself.
If you decide to use both hands, I recommend slightly alternating the
tapping so that each hand is slightly out of phase with the other and
you are not tapping with both hands simultaneously. This provides a
kinesthetic variant of the alternating eye movement work that is done
in EMDR and may have some slight additional benefit.
When you tap on the points outlined below, you will tap about 5-7
times. The actual number is not critical, but ideally should be about
the length of time it takes for one full breath. There is probably a
distinct benefit for tapping through one complete respiration cycle.
Please notice that these tapping points proceed down the body. That
is, each tapping point is below the one before it. That should make it a
snap to memorize. A few trips through it and it should be yours
forever. However, unlike TFT, the sequence is not critical. You can tap
the points in any order and sequence, just so long as all the points
are covered. It just is easier to go from top to bottom to make sure
you remember to do them all.
Remove your Glasses and Watch Prior to Tapping
Glasses and watches can mechanically and electromagnetically
interfere with EF, so I advise everyone to remove them prior to tapping.
For quick sessions conducted upon yourself, this is not critical, as
you can easily tap around them, but I think there is always a benefit
to removing them when possible.
Using EFT in Public: Eliminating any Embarrassment
Many people are concerned about embarrassing themselves by using EFT
in public, especially when implementing my revision of it, which
really makes one stand out in a crowd.
After a while of using and perfecting the technique - in private
quarters, if you prefer - you will be able to use only two fingers of
one hand, and to say the affirmation softly under your breath or
silently. This way you can do EFT in just about any social setting, and
if people even notice what you are doing at all, it will appear to
them that you are merely thinking.
Finding the Right Tapping Points
The tapping points, and their abbreviations, are explained below,
followed by a chart of the points. They are presented below in the exact
order in which they should be tapped.
1. Top of the Head (TH) With fingers back-to-back down the center of the skull.
2. Eyebrow (EB)
Just above and to one side of the nose, at the beginning of the eyebrow.
3. Side of the Eye (SE)
On the bone bordering the outside corner of the eye.
4. Under the Eye (UE) On the bone under an eye about 1 inch below your pupil.
5. Under the Nose (UN)
On the small area between the bottom of your nose and the top of your upper lip.
6. Chin (Ch) Midway between the point of your chin and the bottom of
your lower lip. Even though it is not directly on the point of the
chin, we call it the chin point because it is descriptive enough for
people to understand easily.
7. Collar Bone (CB) The junction where the sternum (breastbone), collarbone
and the first rib meet. This is a very important point and in
acupuncture is referred to as K (kidney) 27. To locate it, first place
your forefinger on the U-shaped notch at the top of the breastbone
(about where a man would knot his tie). From the bottom of the U, move
your forefinger down toward the navel 1 inch and then go to the left
(or right) 1 inch. This point is referred to as Collar Bone even
though it is not on the collarbone (or clavicle) per se.
8. Under the Arm (UA) On the side of the body, at a point even with the
nipple (for men) or in the middle of the bra strap (for women). It is
about 4 inches below the armpit.
9. Wrists (WR)
The last point is the inside of both wrists
The abbreviations for these points are summarized below in the same
order as given above. It is, again, the order in which they should be
TH = Top of Head
EB = Eye Brow
SE = Side of the Eye UE = Under the Eye
UN = Under the Nose
Ch = Chin
CB = Collar Bone UA = Under the Arm
WR = Wrists
Using EFT's Affirmation Statements
Tuning Into Your Problem
Now that you understand how to actually perform the mechanical
tapping and where you need to tap, you will next need to know what to
say while you are tapping.
The traditional EFT phrase uses the following setup:
"Even though I have this _____________,
I deeply and completely accept myself. You can also substitute this as the second part of the phrase:
"I deeply and completely love and accept myself."
The blank above is filled in with a brief description of the
addiction, food craving, negative emotion or other problem you want to
Examples Using the Traditional EFT Phrasing
While these examples represent a range of problems, keep in mind
there really is no limit to the types of issues you can confront with
"Even though I have this fear of public speaking, I deeply and completely accept myself."
"Even though I have this headache, I deeply and completely accept myself."
"Even though I have this anger towards my father, I deeply and completely accept myself."
"Even though I have this war memory, I deeply and completely accept myself."
"Even though I have this stiffness in my neck, I deeply and completely accept myself."
"Even though I have these nightmares, I deeply and completely accept myself."
"Even though I have this craving for alcohol, I deeply and completely accept myself."
"Even though I have this fear of snakes, I deeply and completely accept myself."
"Even though I have this depression, I deeply and completely accept myself."
Other EFT Phrase Options
You can also try these other phrase variations. All of these
affirmations are correct because they follow the same general format.
That is...they acknowledge the problem and create self-acceptance despite the existence of the problem. That is what's necessary for the affirmation to be effective.
You can use any of them, but I suggest you use the recommended one
above because it is easy to memorize and has a good track record at
getting the job done.
"I accept myself even though I have this_________."
"Even though I have this ____________, I deeply and profoundly accept myself."
"I love and accept myself even though I have this_______________."
Interesting Points About the Affirmation Statements
It doesn't matter whether you believe the affirmation or not...just say it.
It is better to say it with feeling and emphasis, but saying it routinely will usually do the job.
It is best to say it out loud, but if you are in a social situation
where you prefer to mutter it under your breath...or do it
silently...then go ahead. It will still likely be effective.
To add to the effectiveness of the affirmation, The Setup also
includes the simultaneous tapping on one of the acupuncture meridian
Tuning in is seemingly a very simple process. You merely think about
the problem while applying the tapping. That's least in
"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."
Negative emotions come about because you are tuned in to certain
thoughts or circumstances, which in turn, cause your energy system to
Otherwise, you function normally. One's fear of heights is not
present, for example, while one is reading the comic section of the
Sunday newspaper and therefore not tuned in to the problem.
Tuning in to a problem can be done by simply thinking about it. In fact, tuning in means thinking about it.
Thinking about the problem will bring about the energy disruptions
involved which then...and only then...can be balanced by applying The
Basic Recipe.
Without tuning in to the problem, thereby creating those energy disruptions, EFT does nothing.
Putting It All Together First Round of Tapping
Now you will need to tap on each of the points described above while
you are stating the positive affirmation. This will only take a few
moments to do.
You should:
Select an appropriate affirmation
Carefully "tune in" to your problem by actually trying to hold the problem in your thought:
State the affirmations in a loud voice with great passion, energy and enthusiasm
If you do this while tapping the points described earlier, it is
highly likely you will notice a major decrease in the issue or problem
that you were tapping on. If your problem or issue resolves completely,
you are done with the tapping. If it doesn't decrease or decreases to
a level that is less than acceptable, move on to the next section, or
consider the more in-depth book and DVD, Try It On Everything, that comes with a host of real-world examples.
Tips & Tricks for Using Advanced Affirmation Statements
The 7-Part EFT Manual:
Using the Reminder Phrase
Sometimes, one round of the tapping sequence while voicing your
affirmation is enough to clear up the issue. However, when subsequent
rounds are necessary, you can employ a "reminder phrase." This is simply
a word or short phrase that describes the problem and which you
repeat out loud each time you tap one of the points in the sequence.
In this way you continually "remind" your system about the problem you
are working on.
The best reminder phrase to use is usually identical to what you
choose for the affirmation you initially used. However, you can use a
short cut if the setup is particularly long by simply saying one or
several words to speed up the process and do more rounds.
For example, if you are working on a fear of public speaking, the initial, or "setup," affirmation would go like this:
"Even though I have this fear of public speaking,
I deeply and completely accept myself."
Within this affirmation, the underlined words "fear of public
speaking" are ideal candidates for use as the reminder phrase. Simply
repeating this reminder phrase and the affirmation are usually
sufficient to "tune in" to the problem at hand.
Lingering Issues: Adjustments for Subsequent Rounds of Tapping
Sometimes the first round of tapping doesn't completely eliminate a
problem because a new issues or issues that prevent further progress
show themselves via the tapping.
These issues -- whether images,
conversations, interactions or in some other form -- are in some way
related to the first problem being addressed -- sometimes they are part
of or the core of the cause, sometimes they are a result. The barrier
restricting your emotional health, in other words, is made up of more
than one brick -- and you must eliminate all the bricks.
If this is the case, you should do additional rounds of tapping as
necessary to eliminate all the issues, but adjust your affirmation
slightly as follows for best results:
"Even though I still have some of this __________,
I deeply and completely accept myself."
Note the words "still" and "some" and how they change the thrust of the affirmation toward the remainder of the problem.
EFT Cautions and Advice
Clinicians and clients should only do what feels right or good to
them. You should not enter into emotional or physical waters that seem
threatening. It is your responsibility to take care of yourselves in
this setting. Remember professional help is easily available. Here are
some cautions and advice with EFT:
Be Specific
It is essential for clinicians to be extremely specific with language when using EFT.
Tuning In
The clients need to be totally tuned in to the issue of concern when
using EFT.
Sometimes, when the material is emotionally painful,
clients will want to disconnect from their feelings. Look for any
signs that the client is becoming distracted or disengaged and make
sure that they repeat the Reminder Phrase as they tap the treatment
Cognitive Shifts
As with energy movement, it is essential to pay attention to the
cognitive shifts that can occur with even a single round of the tapping.
A cognitive shift has occurred when you reframe the problem. Seeing
the problem from a new angle, you will often express a sense of
surprise and insight. These movements can offer valuable connections
and associations and may open new pathways for healing. Following a
cognitive shift, you often feel less guilt and self-blame, more hope, or
a simple sense of relief in an area where there has never been relief
It is important to stop after tapping and see if you notice anything
different or if something new came up after you tapped. This is
frequently the underlying issue that is the real root of your problem.
Try It On Everything
EFT can be used to treat deep limiting beliefs, fears of the future,
fear of success, fear of failure, and anxiety about expectations, poor
body image and future relapse settings. One of the favorite sayings
of Gary Craig, founder of EFT, is "Try it on everything."
Energy and Intention
Many clients report that they do not have the same success when using
EFT by themselves and on themselves. This likely has to do, in part,
with the advantage of combining the energy and intention of two people
sharing a single purpose during a session. When clients are less than
satisfied with their own results, it is best to find a therapist to
help them resolve the issue at a deeper level.
Through Me, Not By Me
This is one of Gary Craig's other favorite sayings. EFT practitioners
are NOT healing their clients. The healing is done through us if our
clients are open to receive it.
Many people see themselves as special healers. This, in fact,
interferes with the treatment process. The reality is that they are not
healing anybody; the clients are actually healing themselves.
Witnessing and facilitating this process is humbling as well as
Keep Well Hydrated
Water conducts electricity, and EFT accesses the electrical energy
that flows through our bodies and minds. It is very important for both
you and your clients to be properly hydrated. That would be about one
quart of pure water per day for every fifty pounds of body weight.
Practice Your Affirmation Statements with Timing & Mirror Work
More On Your Affirmations
Doing affirmations is one of the best ways to be kind to your mind,
every thought you have, every sentence you speak is an affirmation of a
sort. It is either positive or negative. However, you can also do
specific intentional affirmations. And the beautiful thing about doing
affirmations is that you can radically improve the effectiveness with
You can do this by first creating a definite positive statement that
builds you up instead of beats you up. We're talking about definite
positive statements to make or do, something in our lives or to create a
specific goal.
You can start this process with positive self-statements. Even if it
doesn't feel true to begin with, you will want to do these statements
or affirmations many times a day.
Timing of Your Affirmations
When you wake up, when you go to bed, every time you go to the bathroom you should say them.
It is especially important to tap and say the affirmations before you
go to sleep. This is probably the single most important time to do
it. I can't encourage you enough to do the EFT affirmations every
night. It is one of the most important principles I can give you. When
you tap before you go to bed you will give your subconscious from 6-8
hours to work on your affirmations and help create them for you.
If you find prayer a helpful resource like I do, you will want to
integrate your prayer into the EFT sequences as I believe that will help
dramatically increase the effectiveness of your affirmations.
It took me a nearly a year after learning EFT before I got in the
habit of tapping before going to bed, but I want you to avoid my mistake
and not wait awhile before you start doing this valuable technique.
Start taping each and every night before you go to bed.
Mirror Work
This is actually quite simple and inexpensive; all you need is a
mirror and some time.
You can certainly tap alone or in the dark, but I
find it is far more effective to tap while staring at your own eyes in
the mirror. This seems to provide a far deeper connection with your
subconscious. It's almost as if the mirror is reflecting back your
energy into you rather than going out into space somewhere.
If you haven't tried this yet you really need to consider doing this profoundly simple yet powerful technique.
You can begin by looking in the mirror and doing your EFT
affirmations and you can tap that in on all the EFT points. Pay careful
attention and listen to what you hear, especially focusing on any
negative messages that can be blocking your progress.
May not get any messages initially because you are so used to beating
yourself up and you are not used to a kind loving thought, but listen
and follow through and learn to trust yourself.
We frequently have a tendency to beat ourselves up for every little
thing no matter how small. All of us can use forgiveness on a daily
basis and you can use the mirror to help you here also.
You can start by looking into your own eyes and say "Even though I
wasn't successful or I was angry or impatient or mean or cruel or
whatever problem you need to forgive yourself for then say
I forgive you, I was only doing the best I could"
I forgive you for holding onto those patterns for to long, I forgive you for not loving yourself."
And when you say "you" you are looking directly into your own eyes.
You have to try this as it is quite powerful. Remember to always
acknowledge the negative thought if it is there, but don't give it a lot
of importance.
Then you will want to use EFT on the negative thought that comes up and create a positive opposite.
The Real Reason Why You Can't Achieve Your Goal Or Lose Weight
A very common occurrence that will present itself is when you start
to tap for a food craving you will have a memory of an image, person,
place or event that the craving reminds you of. When you are doing the
tapping sequences you will want to pay special attention to these
usually negative thoughts or images that come up. Carefully listen for
any statements that your subconscious is telling you are not right or
true for you.
This is writing on your wall and causing an psychoenergetic block and
unless you address that reversal is not going to allow you to
progress forward. This is usually the major challenge for you and one
of the primary reasons as to why you have been able to successfully
implement your goal in the past. Unless you directly address this
issue by some means, it invariably will self-sabotage your efforts to
achieve your weight loss goal.
Fortunately the solution is quite straightforward with EFT, you
simply acknowledge whatever self-critical thoughts, images or feelings
come up and then chose to simply love and accept yourself while taping
on your acupuncture meridians.
Do this persistently and eventually your system will improve with
time. Remember to say your statements with great enthusiasm and all the
emotions you can muster. Your subconscious mind will not convert your
affirmations into reality unless you can tie the statements in with
emotional energy.
Let me provide a few examples to more fully illustrate my point. When
I once gave an EFT demonstration in front of 400 clinical
nutritionists and I had a volunteer come up who had a food craving. It
turns out the physician who volunteered had a craving for Rice Krispy
treats that were in the exhibit area. Her craving was a strong 10. As
soon as we did one round of taping her eyes started to water and she
was on the verge of tears. When I explored the issue further with her
she said that she was reminded of the time when her mother would give
her M & M treats to get her out of her hair.
So the real issue had nothing to do with her craving for the treats
but it was the love and attention that her mother did not give her and
the clearly inferior candy substitute that her mother offered her. We
tapped on that issue and her cravings for the sweets disappeared
Another example would be a woman I saw who was 64 years old and was
having trouble losing weight. When we started the EFT affirmation
sequence she had a memory of how the last time she was her normal goal
weight she was pregnant. Even though consciously she very well knew
that short of a miracle, she was not going to become pregnant at 64,
she was blocked from going forward with her weight loss.
subconscious was convinced that if she achieved her goal weight she
would instantly and immediately become pregnant.
Fortunately, we were able to use EFT to bridge the gap to the
subconscious and connect it back to reality. Once we completed tapping
that issue through she was able to successfully lose the 22 pounds of
weight she had been unable to do for over 20 years.
This is a very powerful illustration that the subconscious is
absolutely neutral.
Remember your subconscious is your faithful servant
and it will provide you with exactly what you tell it. It could care
less whatever demand you place on it. In many ways it is like your
computer. It will perform whatever instructions you tell it. So you must
be very careful of the instructions you provide.
The above story illustrates a negative example of the power of the
subconscious, but you could just as easily implant positive affirmations
and your subconscious will just as reliably provide you with that
result in your life. I offer some practical suggestions on how to take
advantage of this principle below.
Be Persistent With Your Affirmations
When you first say an affirmation it may not seem to be true. Please
remember that affirmations are like planting seeds in the ground. It
helps if you think of our mind like a garden in which your thoughts are
seeds that you are planting. When you do these affirmations it is
like putting a new seed into the ground.
Remember when you plant a seed in the ground, you only have a little
tiny seed, you don't have a full-grown plant. That little seed needs
to germinate. Then it breaks open its little shell and it starts to
get nourishment from the earth. Then first the roots come out and then
and only then does that first little shoot come out through the
Just like it takes some time to go from seed to a full-grown plant,
it takes some time from your first affirmation to the realization of
your goal. It doesn't matter whether you see the results or you don't
see them. You have to trust that it just takes time.
What Can You Do When Your Inevitable Fear Thoughts Come Up
When a fear thought comes up, simply say thanks for sharing, thank
you for protecting me. Do not give it power. Don't run from it. Whatever
comes up, it is very important to acknowledge it, when you hear them
you can even write them down.
Once you have written the fear thought down, you can turn it around to
a positive affirmation and tap it in with EFT. You can say even
though I have this fear (name the fear) I deeply love and accept
myself and I fully appreciate that it is only trying to help me.
Then do an affirmation for what you really want, which is typically
the positive present tense opposite of the fear, or whatever positive
outcome you would desire instead of the fear.
Avoid denying the fear. You always want to acknowledge the fear. That
is the real beauty of EFT, it always acknowledges the truth and helps
you get out of the denial trap that so many of us fall into.
EFT helps you understand that your fear thought is there to protect you. That is what fear really is for, to protect us.
It is important to recognize that no matter where you are in life, no
matter what you contributed to creating, no matter what is happening,
you are always doing the best you can with the understanding,
awareness, and knowledge that you have until you can find a better way
to handle the situation.
Be Patient With Your Affirmations
A critical truth that is helpful to remember when doing this work is
that your persistent and consistent thoughts will eventually become
your reality so be careful to only focus on positive thoughts.
So many people do EFT affirmations for a few days, they say it
doesn't work and they stop. Remember, everything happens in a perfect
time space sequence. You want to trust that and we want to know that.
Fortunately, EFT seems to rapidly accelerate not only the time at
which your goal is realized, but the likelihood for your success. From
my experience it is one of the most profoundly effective ways to
maximize the success of your affirmations.
Be Present With Your Affirmations
Be sure to always remember to say your positive statements in the
present tense.
Your subconscious mind is very literal and if you ask it
to do something in the future, you may fail to achieve your goal for many
long years.
So many of us commonly default to this by force of habit. It takes
quite a bit of conscious effort to avoid this non-intentional
self-defeating trap. So always avoid saying I will have or I am going to
have, which is in the future tense.
Always say your affirmation in the present tense, otherwise you run
the serious risk delay your obtaining what you want and you may never
get it.
Importance of Using Self-Affirmation Principle
When I first started doing the EFT work, I immediately modified the
affirmation response and tried substituting phrases like I chose to
remain calm and relaxed, and a variety of other ones that I thought
might be better.
However, the more I studied this issue, the more I realized that
self-love is at the core of the problem with most of our issues.
Everyone Knows What the Golden Rule is
To do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.
It is very hard to love your neighbor if you don't love yourself.
Now when I talk about loving yourself I'm not talking about vanity or
arrogance but talking about really respecting and cherishing the
incredible miracle that you really are.
You cannot harm yourself, or you cannot harm another person if you
love yourself.
Unconditional acceptance is one of the major goals that
we are here for and that begins with self-acceptance and self-love.
The Number one thing we can do to help us love ourselves, especially
if we are going to lose weight is stop ALL criticism. We need to stop
criticizing ourselves now and forever, never again if we are going to
make forward progress. We need to vow to ourselves to never criticize
ourselves ever again.
Most of us have been criticizing ourselves and beating ourselves up
for years. We are not going to make much forward progress if we persist
in this pattern.
When we criticize ourselves we contribute to negative changes and
when we approve of ourselves we facilitate positive changes. Our
thoughts create and contribute to all of our experiences in life,
especially related to health issues.
You have complete control over our thoughts, not of your emotions.
Choose the thoughts that are nurturous and supportive for you.
Criticizing yourself never changes a thing. So please refuse to
criticize yourself.
You need to accept ourselves exactly the way you are. If you don't
love yourself when you are ten, twenty, fifty or over 100 pounds
overweight, it will be highly unlikely that you will love yourself at
your "ideal" weight. Self-acceptance is the critical key here.
You can use the EFT affirmations to help you address the central core
that seems to be at the key to most people's health problems, which
is loving yourself and a peaceful transformation of your
Everyone has made negative choices in the past, we all have. The good
news is that we all have a choice. You can always choose to let go of
the old pattern. You can choose different and more supportive and
nourishing thoughts. Letting go of your old negative pattern with love,
allows you to move into the new pattern with ease.
Please always avoid punishing yourself and beating yourself up.
This is one of the key to being successful with EFT and forgiving
others is every bit as important as forgiving ourselves. Not forgiving
them does not harm them in the slightest bit, but it plays havoc with
us. Because the issues are not theirs, they are ours.
People who have problems loving themselves always seem to have
problems learning to forgive others. Non-forgiveness shuts that door.
But when you forgive and when you let go, not only does a huge weight
drop off from you and the doorway to your own self-love opens up.
When you won't forgive, when you won't let go what you are really
doing is binding yourself to the past and when you are stuck in the past
you cannot live in present time.
And if you cannot live in present
time, how are you going to create a healthy and exciting future?
And that is the absolutely wonderful and powerful feature of EFT is
that it allows you to effectively forgive someone. I have EFT for
hundreds of people to help them forgive at the deep subconscious level.
Not just in your head, but in your heart, where it really counts.
Your Language
I certainly have noticed this with many people I have worked with. It
all starts with our self-talk. Our self-talk or the way we talk to
ourselves becomes important because it becomes the basis of our spoken
It sets up the mental atmosphere that we operate in. This will
attract to us experiences. You see your subconscious is really an
electromagnetic transmitter and receiver. It broadcasts emotions in
space and whatever we broadcast we tend to receive from our environment.
You see much of your power is in your words. The thoughts you think
and the words you say are constantly creating your future. Your beliefs
shape your life. The things you say are extension of your thoughts.
This is why it is so important to never, ever berate yourself.
Always tell yourself you are doing the best you can.
If all you do is tell yourself you are fat and ugly and you hate
yourself this way, then you stay stuck. You need loving support and then
you can make changes. You need to constantly forgive yourself for not
being perfect.
Too many of us think we have to be bad or wrong before we can be
changed but we really don't have to do that. When you come from love and
acceptance the changes can become much easier. You make a change
because you want to improve the quality of our life, not because you are
a bad person that wants to become better.
And when you know more you will do things differently, so never, ever berate yourself for where you were.
Just tap in "I'm doing the best I can, I'm doing the best I can."
Remember, you need to constantly forgive yourself for not being perfect.
Do EFT About Ten Times Per Day
This will allow you to obtain maximum benefit from the technique.
It will also be enormously helpful if you can do this in front of a
mirror paying careful attention to looking into your eyes. Your energy
will be reflected off the mirror and add a profound synergism to the
EFT tapping.
When in public you only need to use one hand and can lightly touch
each point and hold it there for five seconds while "tuning into the
problem" and repeating the affirmation. This way no one will realize
what you are doing.
Alternative Approaches and Final Recommendations
Choices Alternative
Dr. Patricia Carrington has made a major innovation to EFT with her choices option.
Unlike the traditional affirmations mentioned above, Choices do not
contradict a person's present view of reality and so are much more
easily accepted. Additionally, the represent a proactive stance and a
commitment to one's self.
When using the Choices option a self-acceptance affirmation is
substituted for the traditional EFT affirmation used above. In general
this affirmation is the opposite of whatever the negative statement
contained in the first portion of the Set-Up phrase.
This Choice is an expression of what the person truly desires for the
problem that the treatment is presently addressing. It is aimed at
that specific problem rather than being a general affirmation.
Choices Technique
Identify the negative emotion or state (thought, attitude, feeling, pain, etc) that you want to be rid of.
Formulate a Choice that is roughly the opposite of this negative emotion or state.
Combine the negative emotion with the positive Choice.
State the entire Basic recipe combination (negative emotion and Choice) on the first three meridian points.
Then alternate the points by stating the negative reminder phrase on
one point and then the positive Choice or reminder Choice on the next
Be careful to always end on a positive Choice.
Wording of Choices
Most people do not know how to identify what they really want.
Ironically, however, they are almost always very clear about what
they don't want.
When asked to make a positive Choice, which is based on what they do
want, most people will at best, just choose to improve a bit on what
they don't like. One way they do this is to revert to comparisons.
They will use such words as better or more.
Examples include:
I choose to be more confident.
I chose to feel better.
This does not work well because a person's subconscious,
computer-like mind is quite literal and it cannot interpret that
statement with any precision. What is better? It could be only a tiny
bit better. How much is more? When this is not spelled out precisely you
have an unclear Choice that will not be very effective.
First Rule of Choices: Be Specific
A person making a Choice needs to state precisely what it is they
want. A Choice should not contain vague comparison words such as
"better," but should be a statement of exactly what they really want to
create in their life.
Second Rule of Choices: Create a Pulling Choice
Choices must "pull" to be effective. This requirement is often
neglected. A Choice that is lifeless is like a dull ad; you just skip
over it, don't attend to it, and it has very little impact on your life.
You might think of a choice as a sort of ad made up by you and
directed to yourself as a consumer. The person who must be sold is you.
You have to buy into and truly want the manifestation you are trying
to bring about.
Whenever possible seek to carefully add an adjective or adjectives to
make the Choice as appealing as possible. The aim is to draw you like
a magnet toward the goal they seek. Repeating the Choice during the
EFT session should be a source of real pleasure and comfort so that
you really want to keep saying the Choice over and over simply because
it is so enjoyable to do so.
Let it be easy to ...
Surprise myself by ...
Find a creative way to ...
Find it fun to ...
Alternatively you can add any of these adjectives to give it more appeal:
Third Rule of Choices: Go for the Best Possible Outcome
The rule of thumb here is to be inwardly "truthful" in what is asked
for. You need to choose what you really want in your innermost self,
not what you think you should want - and it should be the very best
you can imagine having.
It is not enough to chose to have a "new apartment," because a "new
apartment" might be a dingy 6th story walk-up with poor heating, tiny
rooms, etc. Yet technically it might be "new" for you. A much more
effective Choice would be to state exactly what you really want, such as
"I choose to live in a quiet, sunny, delightful apartment.
The more positive and specific you are the better the Choice will be.
Fourth Rule of Choices: State Your Choice in the Positive
Those who have worked with affirmations know that the literalness of
the computer-mind makes negative words or phrases a large problem. Our
mind tends to ignore the positive and we get exactly what we were
hoping to avoid.
We are always better off being as positive as we can when framing any
sort of command to ourselves - and affirmations are basically
When making a choice therefore you should avoid using such negative words and phrases as:
Be Rid of
For Example:
Poor Way: I want to be rid of my headache.
Better Way: I choose to feel clear headed, healthy, focused and enthusiastic.
Fifth Rule of Choices: Do Not Choose for Others
This rule is important to emphasize because some people will choose
other's behavior as though they had control over other people, which
none of us have.
For Example:
I choose to have Mary love me.
I choose to have the people at work think I'm the best.
I choose to have Ken understand me.
There are many ways that the above incorrectly worded Choices can be reworded so as to be non-manipulative an ethical in nature.
I choose to feel that Mary loves me. Here the person is making a
Choice about their own reaction to Mary, something quite within their
The details are less important than the intent when applying this
rule. The point here is not to act as though we were all-powerful in
another person's life, but rather word the Choice so as to be as
genuinely helpful to them as possible without imposing your values on
Psychological Reversals
The most common reason that psychological reversal does not change is
that the affirmation was not said strongly enough or with enough
emphasis. Most people will quietly state the affirmation. I have
frequently seen that it was necessary for the client to nearly shout the
statements prior to the reversal shifting.
Criteria Related Reversals
These are subconscious mechanisms that may
be in place and blocking the client's
ability to
successfully resolve their reversal.
This is the most commonly seen of the criteria-related reversals.
Common sense dictates that if a person consciously or unconsciously
holds the position that he or she does not deserve to get over a problem,
attempts to alleviate the problem will be met with considerable
resistance. This reversal is common among trauma survivors, patients with eating disorders, and those who have violated closely held personal
values and morals.
If the client experiences the problem as affording some level of
safety, it will not easily be resolved. This consideration does not
necessarily apply to situations that are truly unsafe or dangerous. This
reversal is common among clients with anxiety-related conditions and
even clients suffering from chronic pain.
Some clients experience deep doubt about their ability to resolve the
presenting problem, for whatever reasons. While doubt by itself does
not signal a reversal, if it is deep enough it will be consistent with
a reversal.
In many instances this operates in conjunction with another, such as
safety or deservedness. It is as if the energy system is saying, "I
won't allow myself to get over this problem because it isn't safe to get
over it" or "I won't allow myself to get over this problem because I
don't deserve to get over it."
Especially in the treatment of addictions, the issue of deprivation
may serve to block progress. When this type of reversal is diagnosed, a
discussion around this issue is appropriate.
What to Do When You Are Not Getting Results
Negative beliefs may interfere with EFT, or any energy treatment from working very effectively.
Some of the more common ones that might need to be treated include:
I don't believe these treatments will work.
I believe EFT works, but not for me.
I doubt that EFT will work.
Even if EFT does work, I am afraid it won't last.
I don't trust myself to stay free of these problems from now on.
I am afraid that these treatments won't work.
I am afraid that the problem will come back.
Here are common dynamics that show up as treatable problems. One needs to be alert to these.
I'm afraid to give up my hopelessness, helplessness, fear, dependency, etc.
I doubt it will happen.
I'm supposed to be rejected.
I don't trust myself to live it out.
I'm supposed to be disapproved of.
I don't feel safe with ... (whatever the situation is)
I have to be perfect about everything.
I fear something like this problem will happen again.
I doubt that I will really be able to do this.
Relationship Problems
The following list is an extensive, but certainly not exhaustive,
compilation of thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and emotions that are often
problems, especially in relationships.
The bolded words are common when dealing
with issues of loss such as the death of a loved one. These items can
appear in a variety of situations. A person may have the feeling
toward someone else as well as toward themselves, feeling rejected or
disgusted and feeling disgusted and rejecting toward the rejecter at
the same time.
At a loss
Deep Sadness
Deep Sorrow
Put down
Put upon
Worn out
Tearless Trauma Technique
Identify a specific traumatic incident from their past. Ideally
it should be at least 3 years ago to minimize any complications from
the dynamics of a current event. An example might be, "the time my
father punched me when I was 12." By contrast, the phrase "my father
abused me" would be too broad because, chances are, the abuse took
place over many, many incidents.
Please stay on your original issue because it will be easy to shift to other issues as you resolve the original one.
GUESS at what your emotional intensity would be (on a 0-10 scale)
IF you were to vividly imagine the incident. DO NOT actually
imagine it (although some will close their eyes and do this anyway).
This GUESS is a surprisingly useful serves to
minimize emotional pain. Write your GUESSES down.
Develop a phrase to use for the EFT process such as "this father-punch emotion" and then proceed with a round of tapping.
After this round of tapping, GUESS again and go around the room asking them to state their new number.
Additional rounds of EFT usually a total of 3 or 4 rounds will bring just about everyone down to GUESSES of 0 to 3.
Once everyone is down to acceptably low GUESSES, then perform
another round of tapping and, after this round, you will vividly imagine
the incident.
When Should You Do EFT?
You can do it:
As soon as you wake up
Before every meal
Every time you go to the bathroom
When stopped at stoplights
When you go to bed
Goal Setting
Your Consistent Thoughts Become Your Reality
All personal growth reduces down to the above sentence. Dreams don't necessarily come true but they DO take you in directions.
Your habitual vocabulary has a subtle and powerful ability to
condition your mental system. Which is a better statement, "I can't" or
"I don't know how yet"? Shifting your vocabulary will shift your
entire outlook.
You get what you focus on. Pessimists see what is wrong in the world.
Optimists see opportunity. Yet, it's the same world. What do you see?
Whatever it is, it's a reflection of your consistent thoughts.
Tapping has been effective for me in relieving anxiety, negative
emotions, repetitive thoughts, and dwelling in the past or future. It
has helped me live in the moment and be more positive about what life
has to offer. Dr. Mercola recommends doing EFT about 10 times per
day; I am going increase the number of times I do EFT every day and see what the results are.
This is my favorite paragraph from the website, from the "What Can You Do When Your Inevitable Fear Thoughts Come Up." I
believe what Dr. Mercola says in this paragraph. It has helped me
forgive myself and others, and helps me live in the moment instead of
focusing on the past.
Dr. Mercola says: "It is important to recognize that no matter where you are in life, no
matter what you contributed to creating, no matter what is happening,
you are always doing the best you can with the understanding,
awareness, and knowledge that you have until you can find a better way
to handle the situation."
The side effects caused by antidepressants are worse than being depressed. Antidepressants cause suicidal thoughts instead of improving them. Antidepressants cause over 40,000 deaths a year. High doses of antidepressants can cause heart problems. You don't need an antidepressant, just "buck up" or "fight it off." Some antidepressants are so expensive you won't be able to afford them. Depression is not a chemical imbalance in the brain. The low serotonin theory in depression is not based on scientific proof. Antidepressants cause abnormal brain states, not cure them.
Only about 15 percent of people treated with an antidepressant begin to feel better.
Have you heard or read the previous statements? Which statements are true? For some of them it depends on the person.
Well. . .this is my truth. The first part of 2010 I had tried 15 different drug combinations for depression symptoms, and I was not getting better. Treatment resistant depression is miserable and I did not want suicide to be the result. I went to the Amen Clinic in Newport Beach, California in March of 2010. My blog is a history of my journey to feeling good again. I feel good now.
Much more than medication has been involved in my healing, but this is the medication I am on now: Neurontin, 300 mg, 4 times per day Luvox, 50 mg in the morning, 75 mg in the afternoon Effexor XR, 131.25 in the morning. (Yes, this dosage requires me to half a 37.5 capsule, but this is the dosage where I feel the best.)
I feel good. If you have read my blog you know I want to go to Dr. Mark Hyman's UltraWellness Center in Lennox, MA, but I can not afford it yet.
The next skill I want to add to my arsenal for fighting depression is a type of energy therapy, Meridian Tapping Techniques. There are different kinds, but Meridian Tapping Techniques repair blockages or disturbances in the body's energy system created by negative emotions. Tapping is done on some of the meridian points used in acupuncture.
I am now reading the book, Discover the Power of Meridian Tapping - A Revolutionary Method for Stress-Free Living, by Patricia Carrington, Ph. D. I have already watched the DVD, The Tapping Solution - The Revolution Starts Within. I believe there is power in meridian tapping. I am still learning, but I have tried it, like it, and feel it is effective. This is one more skill I want to add to my "escape from depression" library.
Quote from Nicolas Ortner, Creator/Producer of the Film The Tapping Solution.
"Tapping can change the way you feel, release pain in your body and help you let go of limiting beliefs, old hurts and traumas in a matter of minutes. Use it! A life of joy, happiness and abundance is waiting for you and it may be just a few 'taps' away!"
This video is The Tapping Solution Trailer. It will help prepare you to watch the DVD. Watch the DVD if you can - even if you are skeptical. It could be one more tool that helps you fight depression.
Get more information about The Tapping Solution DVD and book, Discover the Power of Meridian Tapping at:
This video is a Demo of the Meridian Tapping Points. It is narrated by Patricia Carrington, Ph. D., author of the book, Discover the Power of Meridian Tapping. You will learn the 9 basic tapping points.
Below is information on Dr. Bruce Lipton, taken from There are also two videos where he is interviewed about The Tapping Solution. He talks about the scientific reasons why tapping is effective. If you are interested in a scientific explanation, you will enjoy the videos.
"Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received
his Ph. D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville
before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of
Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973. Dr. Lipton’s research on
muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused
upon the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behavior. An experimental
tissue transplantation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and colleague
Dr. Ed Schultz and published in the journal Science was subsequently
employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering.
In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. He produced
breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that this
outer layer of the cell was an organic homologue of a computer chip, the
cell’s equivalent of a brain. His research at Stanford University’s
School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the
environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and
physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which
ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled
by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study,
the science of epigenetics. Two major scientific publications derived
from these studies defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind
and body. Many subsequent papers by other researchers have since
validated his concepts and ideas."
Do you think this therapy is valid? Try it and see what you think. Please leave me a comment on how effective it was for you. After I become more skilled at tapping and have used it for awhile I am planning on posting a blog chapter about my results.
Dr. Patricia Carrington is a clinical psychologist, published author, and one of the pioneers in the rapidly growing field of Meridian Tapping. She is the author of, Discover the Power of Meridian Tapping. Dr. Carrington said the following quote on the inside cover of her book.
"This book teaches you a remarkable new healing technique based on the ancient art of acupuncture combined with modern psychology. In these pages, you will learn the story of Meridian Tapping, discover how and why it works, see compelling evidence of its effectiveness, and read numerous true stories that show you how to use it for deep-seated anxieties, pain, addictions, traumas, and a host of other distressing conditions."
What do YOU think about the information Dr. Mark Hyman presents in this video?
It took about a year to make all of the changes my psychiatrist recommended at the Amen Clinic. The dosages of my medications are stable now and I feel good! The improvement was slow, steady, and subtle. I have the desire to do things again. I look forward to what I have planned each day when I wake up in the morning, instead of dreading it. If you are new to my blog, Chapter 42 summarizes my road to recovery.
This video was made before Dr. Hyman's book, The UltraMind Solution, was finished. You know I think the book is great if you have read other chapters in my blog. =) I think this book is a must read if you have depression symptoms.
In the video, Dr. Hyman talks about 7 things you can do to help improve depression symptoms.
1. Try an anti-inflammation elimination diet and remove food allergens 2. Check for hypothyroidism 3. Treat vitamin D deficiency 4. Take Omega 3 Fats 5. Take adequate amounts of B12, Folate, and B6 6. Check for mercury toxicity 7. Exercise vigorously for 30 minutes, 5 times per week.
Why Antidepressants Do Not Work For Treating Depression
Mark Hyman, M.D.
Dr. Hyman acknowledges that some people do not heal completely by using the UltraMind Solution. In the "Special Considerations" section of the book, The UltraMind Solution, page 387, Dr. Hyman says:
When You Need Therapy
"Sometimes it is not a toxin, allergen, infection, or nutrient-poor diet that makes us depressed or mentally ill. Sometimes it is just life itself---a divorce, childhood trauma, the death of a loved one, a crazy boss, or a major trauma.
During those times in life, seeking help from a trained psychotherapist, a social worker, or even a personal coach can be lifesaving and may help guide you through troubled times.
In traditional cultures, the family and social structure provided a container and meaning for all life's events. Today, unfortunately, many of us are left alone to struggle through life's transitions and questions. Getting support can help you heal and recover along with the UltraMind Solution."
When You Need Medication
"As a former emergency room physician, I recognize that extreme times call for extreme measures. I use and support the intelligent, appropriate use of medication, including psychotropic medications when needed. They can often be helpful as a bridge for recovery from all the stresses and toxins that affect our brain and mind.
It may take months or years to heal from damage that has occurred over a lifetime. In extreme cases, the damage may be so deep that full recovery is not possible using the UltraMind Solution (although most see remarkable results in a few weeks). In some cases, combining medication with the tools of the UltraMind Solution can give people their lives back.
Working with an experienced psychopharmacologist who welcomes the integration of nutrition, supplements, exercise, and mind-body therapies is sometimes a necessary step to recovering a whole life.
Many times medications can be reduced or eliminated after applying the principles found in the UltraMind Solution."
I am one of "the cases" where combining medications with the tools of the UltraMind Solution gave me my life back. Thank you Dr. Daniel Amen, and everyone at the Amen Clinic in Newport Beach, California. The psychiatrist I worked with at the Amen Clinic was exceptional! Thank you Dr. Mark Hyman for The UltraMind Solution. I learned so much from the book and the changes I made to my diet and lifestyle helped me heal. Thank you Eckhart Tolle for helping me change the way I think. Reading the books, The Power of Now, and A New Earth, taught me to live in the moment. Doing this brings me peace!
I am still saving my money to go to the The UltraWellness Center in Lennox, MA. I need their help to find out if I could be off medications and still be free of depression symptoms, or if I am one of those people who will still need medication even if my body is balanced.
I read the book, The UltraMind Solution, by Mark Hyman, M.D., and started making changes in my life to help heal depression symptoms. I wanted to do everything I could to assist the effectiveness of the medication I was taking. There is more detail about Dr. Hyman and The UltraMind Solution, in my blog Chapter 21: Healing A "Broken Brain".
The UltraMind Solution is a Six-Week Basic Brain-Boosting Program for Everyone: A Simple Approach to Optimal Brain Function and Health. There are some additional steps, called the Self Care Plan, to optimize key systems in the body. Dr. Hyman says that eighty percent of people will thrive by following the six-week UltraMind Solution and adding the additional Self Care Plan. The other 20 percent may need further care. "If you don't experience the level of optimization you expect following The UltraMind Solution and the Self Care Plan in Part IV of the book, then you may need some laboratory tests and medical treatment. I outlined the primary tests I recommend and some of the treatments you might pursue with your doctor in the book. To do the tests recommended here and get the care you need, you will most likely have to find an experienced practitioner of Functional Medicine or Integrative Medicine. Most conventional doctors simply will not give you these tests."
If you buy the book, The UltraMind Solution, you will also receive the Ultra Mind Solution Guide to download on your computer (free). I believe what I have learned from Dr. Hyman has helped me feel better, along with my medications. There is too much valuable information in the book to include in my blog. The information below is for the 20% of us who have done the six-week UltraMind Solution Program and still do not feel completely well. Receiving medical care from an experienced practitioner in Functional Medicine is the next step for me, and I have not been able to find one in my home area. I am saving my money to go to the UltraWellness Clinic in Lennox, MA.
The information below in black and teal print are taken from the book, The UltraMind Solution, by Mark Hyman, M.D. The writing in dark red is what I have done personally in each of the 7 Keys of the UltraMind Solution.
KEY #1: OPTIMIZE NUTRITION The Key to Mental Health and Brain Health
"We are made of the stuff we eat. Our biology, biochemistry, and physiology need certain raw materials to run optimally--the right balance and quality of protein, fats, carbohydrates, the right vitamins and minerals in the correct dose for each of us and all the colorful pigments in plant foods, called phytonutrients, that support our well-being and function. Nearly all of us are nutritionally imbalanced in one way or another." page 35
Medical Care Plan
Methylation Testing (B6, B12, and Folate Insufficiencies)
Vitamin D Testing
Magnesium, Zinc, and Selenium Testing
Essential Fatty Acid Testing
Urinary Amino Acids and Plasma Amino Acids
Red Blood Cell Minerals
Urinary Organic Acid Testing
Testing for amino acids and neurotransmitters can help identify your particular imbalances more accurately. Further customization of amino-acid therapy is possible based on testing and your symptoms.
Testing for omega-3 fats, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, and selenium can be helpful in identifying the need for additional supplementation. Testing for methylation problems with homocysteine and methylmalonic acid is often very helpful in optimizing doses of folate, B 12, and B 6.
a. I no longer buy products that have high-fructose corn syrup or trans fats in them. I threw away all the products in my kitchen containing these two things.
b. I eat foods with white sugar only occasionally. I was addicted to sugar, so this was a hard one for me. Larabars helped me accomplish this goal. They satisfy a sugar craving, but only a few of the bars actually have sugar in them. They contain dates, fruit, nuts, raisins, and spices, and they are delicious! Thank you Larabars. =)
c. I had the IgG Comprehensive Food Sensitivity Assay blood test done, also known as the ELISA test.After receiving the results I eliminated or cut back on all of the foods I am sensitive to. I believe this has helped reduce the inflammation in my body, helped heal my brain, and contributed to me feeling better.
Chapter 7 of my blog will give you detailed information about my ELISA results.
I eliminated the following from my diet: white flour, wheat, all dairy, eggs, yeast, bread, and most oils other than olive oil.
d. I drink water and occasionally have fruit juice with no sugar or high fructose corn sugar added. I don't like beverages with caffeine or alcohol, so I wasn't drinking those anyway.
e. I started taking the supplements Dr. Hyman recommends in The UltraMind Solution Essentials Kit:
f. I have been taking 6,000 mg of fish oil a day since I returned from the Amen Clinic in March of 2010. For more information go to Chapter 32: 6,000 mg Of Fish Oil A Day.
g. I raised my vitamin D level from 20 to 45, and then up to 72. I have needed to take a 50,000 IU tablet of vitamin D every two weeks. This is a prescription vitamin D I have taken in addition to the 3,200 mg daily included in the The UltraMind Solution Essentials Kit. For more information go to Chapter 29: Do you know what your Vitamin D level is?
"Our hormones, including insulin, thyroid, sex hormones, stress hormones, and many more, are a symphony of molecules. They have to work in harmony for you to be healthy." page 35
Medical Care Plan
Testing for Insulin Resistance
Basic Testing for Thyroid Dysfunction
Additional Thyroid Testing If the Basic Testing Does Not Provide Clear Answers
Testing for Sex Hormone Imbalances
A two-hour glucose-tolerance test measuring both insulin and glucose may be needed. A cholesterol profile measuring the size of cholesterol particles, which are smaller in insulin resistance and more prone to clog your arteries. C-reactive protein, which measures inflammation that is associated with insulin resistance. Liver function tests with GGT that identify the fatty liver associated with insulin resistance.
Testing for thyroid problems should include all the thyroid hormones (TSH, free T3, and free T4) and thyroid antibodies (TPO and antithyroglobulin antibodies). Most doctors just check TSH, which is inadequate to identify mild problems.
Testing of blood, urine, or saliva can often be helpful in identifying hormonal imbalances such as too much or too little of various hormones. This can guide a doctor's therapy. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement: Hormones interact directly with the brain and affect mood and cognition. Occasionally, despite lifestyle therapies, diet, exercise, stress reduction, nutrient supplementation, and herbs, hormone therapy can be lifesaving, as well as mood- and brain-saving. Only a physician knowledgeable and experienced with bioidentical hormone therapy should prescribe them. The only hormones that should be used are ones that are identical to those made by your body. They have very specific actions when they bind to their hormone receptors on your cells. Synthetic or animal hormones typically have unwanted side effects and dangers.
a. My thyroid was checked for TSH and free T3, which came back in the normal level. I have never been tested for free T4 or the thyroid antibodies.
b. In 2008 my hormones were tested by the saliva method. I have used the cream and the troche during this time, and have had my prescription changed several times to get my hormones balanced. Two months ago I was tested and my estrogen and progesterone had a healthy ratio, so my prescription stayed the same.
"We must protect and defend ourselves from foreign invaders or abnormal cells inside our own body. When this is over - or under active, illness occurs. Inflammation of the brain is a central theme for almost all psychiatric and neurologic conditions, as well as most chronic disease. If you have a broken brain it is almost certainly inflamed." page 35
Medical Care Plan
High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP)
Gluten Allergy/Celiac Disease Testing
IgG Food Sensitivity (Special Antibody Tests Against Food)
ELISA/RAST IgE (Testing for Mold and Environmental Allergies)
Hidden Infections
Testing for inflammation may include C-reactive protein (a generalized marker for inflammation), autoimmune markers (ESR, anti-CCP, TPO, ANA), or food allergies (IgG or IgE), and celiac or gluten testing. Testing for hidden infections, including viruses, bacteria, parasites, and yeast, may also be helpful.
Specific treatments for infections or more aggressive treatments for autoimmunity and allergies may be needed.
"Digesting, absorbing, and assimilating all the food and nutrients we eat is critical for health. Our digestive systems must also protect us from internal toxins, bugs, and potential allergens, as well as eliminate wastes. Breakdown anywhere in this process creates illness." page 36
Medical Care Plan
General Gut Health, Bacterial Balance, and Parasite Testing
Conventional Tests for Causes of Acid Reflux
Remove any offending factors, including potential food allergens; overgrowth of bacteria, yeast, parasites; and toxins such as heavy metals. Replace missing or weakened enzymes, acid, and fiber or prebiotics to help fertilize the healthy bacteria. Reinnoculate with probiotics or beneficial bacteria. Repair the intestinal lining with healing nutrients.
Special Note - Treating Bugs: Bugs that affect the gut come in three main varieties. 1. Bacteria 2. Yeast 3. Parasites Each type of bug needs different treatment. Testing can identity which bug or bugs are a problem for you. Herbal therapies can often be helpful, but most of the time a short course of curative medication is necessary and dramatically effective.
"Our bodies must eliminate all of our metabolic wastes and toxins, which we take in from the environment through our food, air, water, and medications. The toxic burden in the twenty-first century is overwhelming and often our bodies can't keep up. This leads to illness." page 36
Medical Care Plan
Genetic Testing for Detoxification Capacity or Weakness
How Is Your Detox System Functioning? The Detoxification Challenge Test
Measurement of Detoxification Enzymes and Molecules
Heavy-Metal Testing
Toxin Exposure
Chemical Testing
In a medically supervised detoxification program, many other nutrients, herbs, and phytonutrients may be used, including alpha lipoic acid, bioactive whey protein, amino acids such as taurine, glycine, glutamine, calcium-D-glucarate, and methionine. Specialized tests, which assess your body's detoxification system, including genetic testing for detoxification enzymes, and tests for heavy metals, including tests of blood, urine, and hair, may be necessary. Detoxifying from heavy metals is an important step on the road to health for many and needs to be done with an experienced and qualified health-care practitioner.
Special Note - Detoxifying From Heavy Metals: Aside from addressing hidden food allergens and helping people balance their blood sugar and consume a whole-foods diet, one of the most powerful ways to correct many chronic health problems is a medically supervised heavy-metal detoxification program. Proper testing, preparation, and care are needed in order for safe and effective heavy-metal detoxification. I want to reinforce that this must be done with a qualified health-care practitioner.
a. I am curious if I have mercury toxicity.
"Life is energy. Once no more energy is produced in your cells, you die. The process of extracting energy from the food you eat and the oxygen you breathe is the most essential process of life. Keeping that metabolic engine running smoothly and protecting it from harm are essential for health. Loss of energy is found in almost all brain disorders." page 36
Medical Care Plan
Damaged DNA By-products
Lipid Peroxide Assays in Urine or Serum or TBARS
Advanced Specialty Testing for Oxidative Stress
Specialty Testing for Mitochondrial Function
There are a number of tests, including those of organic acids and cardiometabolic stress testing as well as tests for oxidative stress (8 OHDG, or lipid peroxides), that help your doctor personalize treatment and monitor your progress. Additional supplements, including creatine, NAC, sulfate, and reduced glutathione, may also be recommended.
Resveratrol derivatives or extracts are powerful mitochondrial energy boosters and are in drug development now (Sirtris was just purchased by GlaxoSmithKline). Your doctor may prescribe additional energy-boosting treatments and exercises such as interval training.
a. Part of my treatment plan from the Amen Clinic is aerobic exercise every day. I have not reached that goal yet, but I do have more energy when I exercise on a regular basis. Chapter 33: Endorphins - Natural Morphine
"A life of meaning and purpose, a life in balance with connection, community, love, support, and a sense of empowerment, are essential for health. The overwhelming stresses of the twenty-first century, including social isolation, overwork, and disempowerment, create enormous strain on our nervous system, leading to burnout and breakdown." page 36
Medical Care Plan
An Adrenal Stress Index
DHEA: Cortisol Ratio
AA-to-EPA Ratio
Heart Rate Variability
Your doctor may recommend testing for stress hormones or heart rate variability. Occasionally hormonal treatment with DHEA or low-dose cortisone can be helpful if you have adrenal burnout.
a. When my hormones were first tested (2008) my adrenal glands were functioning at a very low level. Low DHEA and cortisone. They are functioning in the low end of normal now.